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Tailgating: A Truly Wisconsin Tradition

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Tailgating is a beloved American pastime that brings communities together and satisfies the need for comradery through a shared allegiance to a team or event, good food, great friends and maybe a drink or two. Join the All About The Car Podcast team in this week’s episode where they talk about one of their favorite topics and take a trip to Lambeau Field! History of Tailgating   The practice of tailgating may have begun in the 1800s according to National Geographic. The term “tailgating” wa...
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Evolution of Tire Technology

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Tires have changed as the paths we travel on have evolved. From the first rubber bicycle tires to high end racing tires, tire manufacturers continue to invent new ways to improve modern modes of transportation. 5 Major Contributors in Tire Innovation Tire manufacturers are constantly researching and developing new and improved tire technology to give tires longer life and make for smoother rides. In this episode of All About The Car, the team travels back in time to learn about five contribu...
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Behind the Scenes: Hanuman Express Food Truck

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Maybe you’ve seen it: a big orange truck traveling around central Wisconsin leaving delicious smells (and happy customers) in its wake. Festivals, concerts, local brewery events, you name it: this vehicle is there! Any ideas? We’re talking about the Hanuman Express Food Truck, of course! All vehicles need routine maintenance to keep them in great condition. No surprise there! But, what about food trucks? What specialized equipment do they require, and what goes into running a successful mobil...
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5 Things to Know about Specialty Tires in Wisconsin

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Tires are everywhere. From your truck to the wheelbarrow in your shed to the golf cart at the country club, it’s safe to say that tires help us every day in many ways. With so many uses and applications, tires have become more specialized than ever before. Things like rubber composition, tread design and load carrying capacity are carefully engineered so tires can meet specific needs. In Wisconsin, specialty tires are used for travel, industrial machinery, lawncare, recreation and more. Let’...
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The concept of insurance was started by Benjamin Franklin in 1751. Back then, it was used to protect buildings and property from fire damage. Fast-forward about 270 years, though, and it seems like there’s an insurance policy for anything and everything (like a quarterback’s arm, for example). Rates, bundles, discounts, policies...where do you start, and how can you be sure you’re getting the best auto insurance for you, your family, and your vehicle? Our All About The Car Podcast Team sat d...
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Rob: Welcome to our podcast, All About The Car. I'm your host, Rob Hoffman, an auto service specialist with over 44 years of industry experience. With me in the studio today, our regular guests: Bryan Call, a 38 year veteran in the automotive industry. Bryan: Hey Rob, thanks for having me ride along today.   Rob: And Bill Schierl, a guy who's been driving a long time and has a lot of great questions.   Bill: Hi Rob, glad to be here.   Rob: Today we're talking about getting your car ready for s...
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Did you know? We Repair Car Tires...for FREE!

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We’ve all been there – you unknowingly run over a nail or a broken bottle on your way to work. You didn’t even know you did it, but your tire will let you know soon enough! It leaks all day until you walk out to your car only to find that it’s flatter than the pancakes you had for breakfast.       Come on! You’ve got things to do and places to be. You don’t have time for a flat tire!      So, what can you do? Cry. Yell. Call Dad. Curse your rotten luck!      You can do all of these. But ...
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On The Road with Horseshoes & Hand Grenades

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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be in a band? We sure have! And, since we’re a rather vehicle-minded bunch, we got to thinking...what’s it like to be on tour? How do you keep yourself – and your vehicle – in good shape? When it comes to traveling between shows, we wanted the good, the bad, and the funny...and we weren’t disappointed! The All About The Car Podcast Team had the pleasure of sitting down with Adam Greuel, Guitarist and Vocalist, and Lynn Salzman, Tour Manager, of th...
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5 Tips for Traveling Safely with Your Pet

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Pets are part of the family! When it comes to traveling with your fur baby, safety is a top priority. To bring you some top-notch animal-loving expertise, our team sat down with Sherri, Executive Director of the Humane Society of Portage County, and Dolores, former Board President and volunteer. Read on (and Listen our All About The Car Podcast episode at AllAboutTheCarPodcast.com) for helpful tips to keep your four-legged friend happy and safe on the road! 1. Prepare in Advance  There’s more...
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  The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer here in Wisconsin...spring is in the air!   The Badger State LOVES spring. Nothing is more exciting than a bright, sunny day in the 50’s after enduring a cold Midwest winter. To be honest, it almost makes us want to open the sunroof and drive down the highway in a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses!    But first, let’s get that car squeaky clean and wash away the salt, dust, and grime that’s been accumulating over those long winter ...
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